
Friday, 11 November 2016

The death of queer theory. Gscene Magazine. Charlie Bauer Phd. December 2016

So, with Brexit and Trump triumphant, I hereby announce (because I’m drunk and
have every right) the end of queer theory. I would like to thank Judith Butler, Eve
Kosofsky Sedgewick, David Halperin…

I’m sorry - I’ve left so many people out but hey – that’s my idea of democracy, not
yours.This goes out especially to everyone who Googled ‘What’s the EU?’ the day after the
Brexit vote, particularly the LGBTQI ones who have contacted me directly to tell me
why. Here’s a quick lesson for those of you who fell asleep during your ‘all fees paid’
state university education.

Queer theory comes down to this;
The world is run by heterosexual white men.
Governments, banks, systems of law and everything else that effect your life.
They are perceived as a ‘majority’ because we apparently live in a democracy. This
makes everyone who isn’t a white heterosexual man therefore an outsider, or lets say,
peculiar or, lets say, for arguments sake - Queer.
Hang on professor Bauer, you say, I’m not a queer! Well, if you’re reading this far
you probably are - even if you’re not gay. Or Lesbian. Or Trans, or Intersex, or
Bisexual, or.. hang on, I’m sure I’ve missed someone out here…
So, everybody outside this SWM demographic is queer. But hang on professor Bauer,
there must be some within it, who are ‘other’too?
See what’s happening? Think this way and the ‘majority’ begins to shrink.

Let’s take everyone who isn’t identified as a white heterosexual man and see how big
the queer ‘other’ majority becomes shall we? Lets take out, the gays, the lesbians, the
Blacks, the Latinos, the transgendered, that angry white women, the disabled, the
HIV positive, the socialists, the capitalists, the racist homos, the Angelinos, the
communists, the beggars, the Haitians, Somalians, Syrians, Syracusans, the global
poor, the tree huggers, the goths, the writers, the home helps, the street fighters, the
nursing staff, the delivery boys, the dole office workers, the lame, the quick, the
dying, some Brisbanians, the dust bowlers, their Asian counterparts, the Sapphics, the
destroyers, the lovers of dogs, the haters of meat, the sly voters, the liars, the crimson
faced survivors, the so called legions of terrorists living within us, the Sicilians, the
East Enders, the lovers of Apartheid (those were the days…) the angelic faces of
every Tory, the guilty mothers of a bourgeois drug overdoser, the Kenyans, the
Mexicans, the grateful survivors, the wandering lost, the deceived, the Albanians, the
well read Nazis, the street cleaners, the hoppers down in Kent, the Mexican
revolutionaries because a war can never be won, the shameless, the dancers on
slutboxes, the wanton religious right, the Buddhist in a bare room, the woman baiters,
the gun-runners, the constitutionalists, the flagrant haters, the disenfranchised, the
coke dealers, the saddened face of a saddened Europe, the biscuit makers, the lying
fags who are in it for their own ego mania, the dead, the dearly departed, the lost, the
babies, the Columbians, the post-structuralists, the petty-thieves, the sad children of a
war, the sadder soldiers hunting them down, the essentialist, the Chinese, the numbertattooed
survivors of another war, the joyful, the East Anglians, the women, the dying
journalist in new media, the wrongfully convicted, the drowning, the East-Enders, the
condemners of hate crimes, the amputees, the frowning brexiters, the ruling majority,
the old punk-rockers, the druids amongst us, the pained, the ignorers, the
macraméists, the murders in Syria, the Swiss, the Casablancans, the unarmed
refugees, the Crowleyists, the soothsayers, the war wounded child, the Clinton voters,
the limbless veterans, the Manson family, the jarring polemicists, the
infrastructuralists, the omnivores, the class activists, the monarchists, the lap dancers
of days long gone, the political somnambulists, the rapists, the Viet Cong, the
Darwinians amongst us, the Luftwaffe, the shambolic, the ordered, the tidy, the
whores, the New Yorkers, the Twitteres, the murderers, the teaching assistants, the
journalists, the fly by night air BnBers, the townspeople, the horsemen, the women
selling ice cream in Red Square, the North Koreans, the Chicagoans, the fex-ex guys,
the rat catchers, the left of centre priests, the criminally insane, the groaners, the
loners, the stoners, the recently bequeathed, the drugged, the cross-dressers, the twins,
the spinally inept, the cravers of many a lost cause, the Angolans, the Cantonese, the
Shaking Quakers, the Jazz magicians, the hippies, the nerds, the hard-hitters, the
vegan rich, the bootmakers, the potters, the farmers, the Women of Greenham
Common, the tortured, the injured, the elderly, the hod carriers, the whistleblowers,
the volatile veterans, the unnamed dying, the Guatemalans, the immigrants, the
shepherds, the braying Catholics, the misbegotten, the needy, the bricklayers, the
newscasters, the chicken packers, the right, the left, the haven’t made my mind ups,
the slow, the mean, the cowardly, the fat, the lonely, the overpaid and the underfed,
the carpet cleaners, the gas man,

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Pride issue. Reaping what you sow. Bauer. Gscene Magazine. August 2016

Happy Pride!

Great - now that’s out of the way lets get on with the real things at hand.
Perhaps now we can build on all the disasters circulating. Perhaps not. Perhaps Theresa May will become prime minister. Perhaps England will win the European cup. Perhaps not.
People only care when it is really on top of them. At least the common response to global and national disasters of ‘Well at least my house went up forty grand last year” no longer applies. Because they wont. So I can’t. 
Because its really about complacency. The instability staring us in the face for so long has now come to pass before our very eyes. Not the jittery financial markets shaking  or America sneezing somewhere, but a titan of greater proportions than we could ever believe. Right now. On this little island, a flotilla of deluded divisionism forever responsible for what is about to follow. Because in one day the UK has become blame taker for the horrors of the future. The seat of global chaos. The home of the ‘global right’. The child waiting to be bullied who will fight back through the shame of a yet unpenned doctrine of exclusion.  The fearful bully who has no choice but to retaliate before a strike.

The fact that this country has destabilized so many others and given the monsters a platform is a global shame. The other nations of a union once trying to make a better world for all queers – women, gays, the disabled – the contents of every society in every age. Putting any victory up for grabs by the scared and the meek, by the hubris of the great misinformed. 

...of non British controlled ‘Human rights’ like minimum wages - all because of racism, a straight banana or a Snickers bar tasting the same in every country. 

Dismantling the newly build steps of the disabled in accordance to non EU regulations, the healthcare of the elderly, of non British controlled ‘Human rights’ like minimum wages - all because of racism, a straight banana or a Snickers bar tasting the same in every country. How about the anti-cancer drugs halted by a panicked Big Pharma, because nobody knows of the global implications of the new, unknown British drug statutes? Corporations in fear of future litigation halting the supplies of live saving drugs to the dying or preventatives for the living?
Did the Brexiters think of this? Or where they too caught up in Murdochia to think anything else? Have they since been placated by the same source? They have tuned their fight onto anything but the real culprits? Answers on a postcard please to Brussels for immediate recycling. Another EU directive.

Lies uncovered before our very eyes, still ignored. Mass resignations resulting in our country going into free-fall, ignoring the outstretched arms of our nearest and dearest.
Trapped on this Lilliput of hate surrounded by the little people who pushed it out into the uncharted oceans of ‘wait and see’. Our worst nightmare. Unfolding. Right here.
Yes - there really is nothing to be proud for anymore. This hubris has destroyed any fight made by anyone in the age of modernism and social reform. The gays, the blacks. And it seems like the country will be again run by a white tory woman all over again. Who, because of a hateful patriarchy, her role becoming more about ‘growing a pair’ than doing the unspeakable – having other women in her cabinet – a throw over  from the dark days of her mentor. A new leader who has systematically over the last five years, made it her priority to log every email, text, and internet communication not of the so called jihadist cell, but of her own people – postulating them as the potential terrorists but really (more lies) as a system of social control. Forcing them to regulate their online selves as GCHQ and whoever else ‘perhaps’ watches. Growing a database of discrimination so that the ‘Agitators’ can be arrested and held before and in the event of a social standoff. All covered up by the Murdoch press - all eaten up by the global poor.
So, shame again on us. Me. You.

So, don’t be proud to be free and gay because this is a time that we failed and lost.
My mistrust lays in the eyes of the angry white mother with two kids and a pushchair staring sideways, hatefully at her Somalian equivalent on a bus somewhere. Two scared women - two faces of the same fear. Or ‘our’ representative in the European parliament delivering instigating a hooligan rhetoric to doctors and lawyers - representatives of a freer state - while every piece of so called elitist intellectualism melts before the eyes of the world. 
The voided ancient Greek theories that we can never see the future, that we walk backwards into it as we look to the past stretching out behind us. Learning from it. And now this past blurring into a certain future which we all can see and dread. A future where every narrative we ever latched onto, is thrown into the void of our own making. Destroying the buffer between my face and the broken bottle of my own ranting townspeople.

There is no pride anymore. There is only shame. No Europride. No Eurovision, No European cup or European travel because the people have now voted. And when the other 49% (and a fair proportion of the rest) realise this, they will only be able to take up arms against each other. And when this happens this new PM knows exactly what to do because this is what she groomed into the state as we all celebrated the increased value of our houses. Of how we will cash them in closer to retirement and move in Marbella in the Spanish sun. The retirement village of the future has become a prison of our own making.

I really do hope that the EU thrives from this point. It’s the best we can hope for. If it falls into chaos then again it is this tiny sad island that will be responsible for the global misery that ensures.  And not only will this new bloody war be within the boundaries of the UK but also against this tiny island from every civilized country in the world. Because any other dictatorship or hateful junta republic has just become civilized, by referendum.

Eat that one up!
Happy pride!