
Sunday, 21 December 2014

Bully for you. Bauer. Gscene magazine. January 2015

Bully for you       Gscene Magazine.       January 2015

So, for the first time in years, I’ve decided to stay on-topic. 
Homophobic bullying is everywhere in the press and something we’ve been exposed to at some point or other. Thank god we can seek solace with our own community. But what happens (young and old) when someone is singled out within their own group, banned ostracized, shat on, lied to and ridiculed? Do you fight back in that spirit of queer perseverance we’ve been used to all these years? Do you feel stronger in a mass of queer radicals having spent a life on the ‘outside’ of so-called normalcy?

So, what exactly is happening when people judge, ridicule and despise from within the LGBTI community? (Hang on Queer people don’t do that, do they - with their history of all things oppressive?) When you witness those poor, depressed and suicidal Queer teens out there just spare a thought to the fact that their parents and wider society only make up a portion of the misery – their gay peer group makes up the rest. And since this will be the loving community of their future -  it will continue to do so forever. 

A life of sexual freedom on the gay scene will also encompass all the judgment, rejection and ridicule that exists for everyone else but on the gay circuit it’s more amplified, unmodified, self-regulated, bitchy and evil. And this fellow-hate goes on well into old age - should you identify with the scene for that long. That’s why people chose to duck and dive into it. How can it be this safe stronghold when the very yard-posts of being LGBTIQ on the scene are regulated by such hierarchical, narcissistic power freaks? But I have all these friends telling me I’m godlike???
Exactly why does bullying still go on in most aspects of the gay scene? At any age? At any time? I know, it goes on with straight people too, but they are not governed by the same banana republic autonomy that the gayers are. We may have been sold this as a freedom but it’s really just some plutocratic, gay industrial model. 
If people are, say, claiming homophobic bullying in the workplace, they cannot do the same from within their own community because it’s not regulated in the same manner. Straight society is terrified to police this (what they see as a white) minority, thus leaving us with the monstrous elders representing the likes of me. Me? The poster boy has now shifted from the likes of Tatchell to Massow (a political 180) in the time it takes to down a Lambrini Martini.
Anyway, count me out. No more sex shall I have as a definition of my sexuality - rather than be labeled as this LGBTI or whatever they are now. Part of the gay bullying politic today is that you just have to put up with the endless cliques and aging refusnics that all the Botox and fillers in the world can no longer support.
It’s time to seek cover again – it is now the time to become un-gay 
These are the ones getting their own back for being bullied at school by becoming the very same within their own middle-aged classrooms. Not forgetting that judgment and so-called ‘support’ can be just as bullying. And the now gay community via the clothes, drugs, music, alcohol, staying power, private club nights, venues, surgery, fast tanning, loft conversions, new bathrooms and culture does the exact same by raping the cash out of the young and newly out. But not in a powerful way against the constraining forces of that nasty heteronorm, but to themselves and each other in an endless game of narcissism and one uppersonship - while the rest of the world looks on, mystified at this ‘Gay’ model. The police, the law courts, the people who sleep with their own sex and others, the media, the world all look on horrified at the maquette of the supposed homosexual. So solipsistic, they are unable to see that their fabulousness is a pastiche, as they hold up the vaselined mirror of self-importance, blending away every edge and line into a mass of consumerism. This isn’t even the opposite of gay. There is no opposite of gay. In fact, there is no gay anymore - just this ersatz industrial model slowly panting for breath. 
Homophobia is over because we’ve all been nicely included into this comfy fiscal society. Financial bullying - the labels and the postcodes – the affluent, plutocratic autonomy against the rest of the people, is the typical hubris of a peacock republic about to crash. And those golden boys will drag all the good folk down with them. 
It’s time to seek cover again – it is now the time to become un-gay. Away from the down-your-throat gays who still believe that their brand of fabulousness isn’t without tragedy. That they believe themselves to have fought for their own right to be facile, that they have won the contest to live how they think they should, whist setting a wobbly demarcation for everybody else. One of media consumerism, shitting on the poorer people, irrespective of sexuality or gender. All in the name of fabulousness.
And here comes the sticky third prong of this dialectic - the likes of moi own self, replacing all that gay nonsense with the honor of being a complete outsider from it. Just like I was when I was growing up gay - scary - but feeling individual, creative and bloody marvelous in my own right, thank you Mary. Only, today the oppressors are no longer the Thatcher Government, James Anderton or AIDS but all those vile uber-class gays and their haute media consumptions masked as collective culture.
I just don’t want to be a part of any gay scene that would include me as a gayer. 
I loved you all.